Total Knee Replacement


Total Knee Repalcement

Total Knee Replacement is operation performed to relieve pain in arthritic knee.

With increase in life expectancy, a greater number of senior citizens demand a better quality of life. A painful knee can seriously hamper a person’s capacity to walk freely and make him dependent not only on drugs to relieve pain but also on others for mobility. Knee replacement relieves pain in severe arthritis. It is commonly done in patients suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Do I need Knee Replacement?

If knee pain troubles you every single day of your life and the conservative treatments have given you little or no relief, then it is recommended to go for a Total Knee Replacement.
The daily activities that you used to perform so easily earlier have become a hard task now because of knee pain. If you are avoiding, going out because of your knee pain? You are facing difficulty in doing regular work, simple activities like going to washroom and walking in home is troubling you? If any answer is YES, you need to see the doctor
If you are avoiding your morning walk because of knee pain. if it’s ‘legs day’ in the gym, but you can barely lift your knees for even the simplest of movements. Or you’re simply tired after just one set of exercises, then there is something wrong with your knee cartilage and you need to consult orthopaedical as soon as possible.
With degeneration of cartilage from joint and formation of new bone (osteophytes) Range of motion gradually decreases leading to difficulty in squatting and cross leg sitting.

What is Total Knee Replacement?

Total knee replacement is a surgery in which articular surfaces of both bones are replaced with artificial components. For thigh bone (femur) component is metallic while for leg bone (tibia) component is cross linked polyethylene spacer with metallic base plate. Knee cap (patella) can be replaced by using polyethylene component whenever needed.

Pre operative preparation and precautions
As knee replacement is a planned surgery we usually get blood investigations, ECG, Physician fitness done before surgery. We also evaluate to minimize sources of infection in the body.

If you are on any blood thinners like Aspirin, Warfarin or Clopidogrel , these medicines needs to be stopped atleast 5 days before surgery as per physician advise.
